Year 3/4
Welcome to Year 3 and 4
Class teachers:
Mrs Laughlin - 3L
Miss Slodzik - 3/4S
Mrs Smith - 4S
Our class are enthusiastic learners. We ask questions, retrieve information and share our knowledge. Oracy (talking, listening, questioning and challenging) plays an important part in our classroom. We work as a team and look out for each other.
We are looking forward to an exciting year!
Things to remember:
*3L have PE on Tuesday and Thursday
*3/4S and 4S have PE on Wednesday and Thursday
*Water bottles are needed in school everyday
*Reading books and reading records should also be in school daily
*PPA day is on Thursday - children will be having P.E, ICT and Music lessons.
*3L spelling test will take place on Tuesdays
*3/4S and 4S spelling tests will take place on Fridays
*3L have recorders on Wednesday
*3/4S have recorders on Thursday
*4S have recorders on Monday
For English we are going to be linking our writing to the stone age, which is our history theme for this term.
We love reading in years 3 and 4! Each day, children have time for sustained quiet reading in class. Alongside this, all children read to an adult at least once a week. Guided reading takes place weekly and regular reading comprehension occurs. We refer to VIPERS when asking questions and checking for understanding. We teach pupils that questions usually fall into these types of question headings. The questions in the grid below are great to use when your child reads to you at home too.
In Maths this term, we will be learning about place value. We will be following the Power Maths scheme of work and finding different ways to work out problems. Children will be articulating their learning and thinking processes.
Year 3s need to 2s,3s,4s,5s,8s and 10s. Year 4s need to know all of their tables. Please encourage your child to learn all of their tables on a daily basis. Times Tables Rockstars is a brilliant way to get lots of practice. See the link below.
This half term the Science unit will be:
This unit will teach the children about forces, friction and magnetic attraction. They will learn about forces in the context of pushing and pulling, and will identify different actions as pushes or pulls. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate friction, by exploring the movement of a toy car over different surfaces. They will work in a hands on way to identify magnetic materials. Furthermore, they will conduct an investigation into the strength of different types of magnet. The children will have chance to explore the way magnetic poles can attract and repel. They will develop their scientific enquiry skills, making observations, predictions and conclusions.