3L - Year 3
Welcome to 3B
Miss Brown - Class Teacher
Mrs Bray - LSA
Our class are enthusiastic learners. We ask questions, retrieve information and share our knowledge. Oracy (talking, listening, questioning and challenging) plays an important part in our classroom. We work as a team and look out for each other.
We are looking forward to an exciting year!
Things to remember:
* P.E day is Monday & Thursday.
*Water bottles are needed in school every day
*Reading books and reading records should also be in school daily
*PPA day is on Thursday - children will be having P.E, ICT and R.E lessons.
*Spelling tests will take place on Fridays
Meet the Teacher Presentation
Things to remember.....
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please be aware that PE kits should be in school at all times. Also, it is important that all jewellery is removed on these days and long hair is tied up. Children must have their earrings removed. We are unable to do this for them and tape is only appropriate for the first 6 weeks after piercing.
Please read our uniform policy carefully and call the school office if you are at all unsure. Children in incorrect uniform are kept off the playground.
Spellings will be set on a Friday and tested the following Friday. A practise sheet will be sent home and a 2do spelling quiz will be set on Purple Mash to help the children practise these at home. Year 3 is also an important year for the children in terms of learning their times tables. We will be focusing on the 3,4 and 8 times tables and by the end of Year 4 they are expected to know all their tables up to 12 x 12 including corresponding division facts. Please use the links in the maths section below to help with this.
As the children are now in KS2, they will be responsible (under supervision) for changing their reading books in school as and when they are finished. Please don't forget to quiz - this can be done at home. They are also responsible for showing their Home School Diary to a member of staff if you send in a note. In the Home School Diary you will find log in details to access websites at home. You are also able to email the school office with any messages or concerns and this will be passed on to me. School policy states that you will have a response within 48 hours.
Most importantly - any questions or concerns please email.
Miss Brown
10 day self isolation pack
For English we are going to be using 'Mighty Writer' to help children develop their writing skills. We will be looking at vocabulary choices, varied sentence structure and how to develop stories. We have chosen the story of the Three Little Pigs to innovate and adapt. The children are already enjoying using actions to recall the story!
We love reading in year 3! Each day, children have time for sustained quiet reading in class. Alongside this, all children read to an adult at least once a week. Guided reading takes place weekly and regular reading comprehension occurs. We refer to VIPERS when asking questions and checking for understanding. We teach pupils that questions usually fall into these types of question headings. The questions in the grid below are great to use when your child reads to you at home too.
VIPERS examples of questions
Handwriting help
Reading Questions
These are the National Curriculum spellings that the children need to know by the end of Year 3 and 4.
In Maths this term, we will be learning about multiplication and division. We will be following the Power Maths scheme of work and finding different ways to work out problems. Children will be articulating their learning and thinking processes.
Year 3s need to 2s,3s,4s,5s,8s and 10s. Please encourage your child to learn all of their tables on a daily basis. Times Tables Rockstars is a brilliant way to get lots of practice.
addition and subtraction written methods
Times Tables at home
At the end of Year 4, all children will nationally sit a times table assessment. In preparation for this, we will be helping the children learn their 3 times tables this term. They should know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. In Year 3 we concentrate on recalling our 3,4 and 8 times tables and associated division facts.
Connected Curriculum
Curriculum Overview
Extra Ideas