Why Join Us?
Welcome to our 'Why Join Us' page. We are excited that you have expressed interest in our wonderful community school. A paper copy of the information on our school website is available from the school office.
Silver End Academy is part of Inspires Multi-Academy Trust.
We currently have spaces available across the school.
Silver End Academy has many wonderful opportunities to offer your child. We are a historical village school and our proud of the community which we serve. Silver End Academy works in partnership with its parents and community to give our children the best opportunities in their academic career.
We have our own Family Liaison Officer in school who works passionately and actively to promote the needs and welfare of our children. Our FLO is always on hand to support parents and sign post to other agencies, who we work in collaboration with.
We are fortunate to have a school based SENCO to support the needs of our vulnerable and SEND children and who will also lead in delivering quality learning sessions.
We have a swimming pool on site to promote swimming lessons and swimming safety. Children from EYFS through to Yr 6 have the opportunity to engage with swimming lessons which is planned for across the academic year.
We have a Dedicated Sports Coach to enhance the sports curriculum. Teachers are up-skilled to promote physical education and to maximise the use of our wonderful outdoor provision and space.
Children from EYFS through to Yr6 have the opportunity to develop their balance, coordination and confidence through our purpose built gym trail.
We deliver ‘money awareness’ lessons in year 6 to develop our children's awareness and independence in their wider community.
We are passionate and dedicated in our participation in ‘Get Witham Reading’ event every year. Reading and oracy skills is at the core of our agenda in developing expressive, confident and articulate young people.
We have a comprehensive ICT Suite to promote the children's engagement and use of evolving technologies.
We provide wrap around care through our breakfast club,
We offer different after school clubs.