6C - Year 6
Welcome to 6J!
Class Teacher: Mrs Chaplin
LSA: Mrs Murphy
Welcome to 6C! This is our last year of primary school and it is going to be a busy and exciting one.
We are working hard in all areas of our learning, we are determined to make improvements. Developing our Growth mindset, to know that already I can't do it... I can't do it yet! We know that as long as we keep going and keep practising we will get there. We are setting our expectations high and reaching for our goals.
Things to remember:
*PE days - Tuesdays and Fridays
*Water bottles
*Reading books and reading records need to go between home and school every day
*Reading at home regularly - please sign the Reading Record when your child reads at home
*Bring a healthy snack
*A waterproof coat
*Practise your times tables regularly
In Maths, we will be learning lots of different areas on our run up to Easter. We will be applying a lot of the skills that we have already learnt and practised over the last term.
The following areas of Maths will be covered
- Decimals
- Percentages
- Algebra
- Area and Perimeter
- Measurement
- Ratio
We will be doing lots of arithmetic also as we start getting ready to take our SATs in May. The children will be doing lots of practise tests and this will show all of the progress the children are making all the time.
In English, we will be focusing on a lot of our Grammar skill, which you can see in the information below.
We will also be working with the film Ruin- focussed on a post-apocalyptic world. We will be writing description, flashbacks, creating tension and suspense, character profile. Applying our grammar, punctuation and spelling to all of these areas.
Reading at Home
Children are encouraged to read daily and record comments in their Reading Diary. Pupils who have read at home and have had records signed by an adult will receive raffle tickets to be entered into a draw to win a prize each week. In addition to this, every child in the class is heard read at least once a week, with a short discussion about what they have read. The children read individually as well as in guided reading sessions. During these sessions we explore a text in greater detail and practise/apply their reading skills, now known as VIPERS. Please use these to support your child when reading with them. Children's enthusiasm, commitment and attitudes to reading will also be rewarded with house points, regardless of their academic level.
Times Tables