Autumn 2
Word of the Week –
A new word is set each Monday. We tell the children the word, we learn what the word means and we try our best to use it in our sentences throughout the week! House points are given if it used correctly! We had so much success during Autumn 1 with this. So many children went home and discussed the words and brought in synonyms to show us – thank you so much! This is amazing and we have noticed all the children using these words more and expanding their vocabulary. Please keep up the great work! We look forward to sharing this half terms word with you soon. Remember to check you child’s diary every Monday for the word! 😊
WOW Moments –
Please remember to send us in your WOW moments at home. This could be an achievement of any kind. Has your child been swimming, earnt a badge. Taken part in brownies/beavers, been litter picking to support the local environment or even shown a lovely act of kindness. We would love to share these moments with the children’s peers. We have lots more WOW moment cards we can send home!
In Phonics, the children will continue to work on the Song of Sounds. We will recap sounds they are unsure of before moving onto the next stages. They will aim to read common words by sight (particularly Common Exemption words), whilst still sounding out unfamiliar words as well as writing written answers to comprehension questions. They will learn further spelling patterns and rules, and begin to apply those in their writing. During guided reading we follow 'Reading Dogs'.  Each half term we will have a reading dog focus which their reading tasks will be based on.  In Autumn 1 we learnt to predict. This half term we will be focusing on Rex retrieval. This means that he is there to help you to answer questions by finding the answer in the text. Rex might ask you what the characters are called, what they do, what the name of the chapter is or what you have learned about a particular topic. You can support at home by asking these questions.
Our spellings are linked to the sounds we are learning each week in our phonics lessons. Please see below for the spelling list.
Please support your child at home to read these tricky words. They are tricky because we can not sound them out. See if you can spot them in your child's reading book, magazines, posters and whatever else you many have at home!
Children will learn to write for a range of purposes including stories, poetry and real events. Grammar becomes even more important in Year 1 and Year 2.  At Silver End we follow the 'Talk for Writing' approach for teaching writing.  This has three phases: imitation, innovation and invention.  During Autumn 2, we will base their writing on 'The Three Little Pigs'.  We will focus on retelling and writing the story. We will learn to use letter names in the alphabet, write questions to the wolf (who might pay us a visit! 😊), learn what an apostrophe for possession is, homophones and a range of suffixes (ful, ly, less).
We will be teaching maths through the 'Power Maths' scheme.  Power Maths is a UK curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in maths.  This term in Year 1 we will be focusing on Addition and subtraction within 10, 2D and 3D shapes and then numbers to 20. You can help your children by spotting 2D and 3D shapes when you are out and about. You can also practice counting up to 20 forwards and backwards.
Connected Curriculum- Theme 
2nd Half term is called Marvellous Us- the children will be thinking about what it means to be healthy- designing a healthy snack/meal and thinking about their environment so looking at recycling. 
This term in Science we will be looking at the topic ‘Animals including Humans’.
The children will be exposed to new vocabulary such as baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and elderly when learning about the human life cycle and understanding what each stage means.
We will then look at the 5 senses – see, hear, touch, taste and smell and discover what we use each sense for.
We will be learning to:
Be aware of the meaning of our scientific language linked to our topic.
Recognise some of the ways people change over time, using key scientific words to discuss these.
Observe photographs closely, identify changes and use these to suggest answers to questions.
Understand that we use our senses to classify things into groups.
Be able to name parts of the body.
Collect measurements about our hands and feet and record the information clearly.
Be able to compare data and begin to notice patterns.